
Epic Text fails and wins : Collection of funny texts

Looking for a good laugh? Check out our collection of the funniest text messages ever! From autocorrect fails to witty replies, these hilarious conversations will brighten your day. Dive in and enjoy the laughs!

#1 Looking at my text from last night

can you drive us to bar, I am dr*nk

no dude I am dru*k too where are you?

did you just answered yourself?

#2 Babe close your eyes 👀 😂

babe, close your eyes 😍


what do you see?


do you see anything?



#3 It back 😀

If i say I love you, would you say it back?

Of course

I love you!

It back

#4 God

Why are you not at church?

Who is this?


Why are you texting in Church? pay attention.

#5 Love for cereal

What are you doing?

Laying in bed

mmm…. just laying in bed, nothing else?

im eating cereal

haha nice

what would you do if i was in bed next to you?

eat my cereal

Lol, i mean if the cereal wasnt there

oh, then i d go get out of the bed and get cereal 😀

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